

https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/deup-io/deup/examples/unsplash.js 添加

 * Unsplash plugin for Deup
 * @class Unsplash
 * @extends {Deup}
 * @author ZiHang Gao
 * @see https://unsplash.com/documentation
class Unsplash extends Deup {
   * Define the basic configuration of the unsplash plugin
   * @type {{layout: string, name: string, logo: string}}
  config = {
    name: 'Unsplash',
    layout: 'image',
    logo: 'https://s2.loli.net/2023/08/29/qd3CeOP8Kpcikao.png',

   * Define inputs
   * @type {{clientId: {label: string, placeholder: string, required: boolean}}}
  inputs = {
    clientId: {
      label: 'Access Key',
      required: true,
      placeholder: 'Unsplash Access Key',

   * Check inputs
   * @returns {Promise<boolean>}
  async check() {
    return (await this.list()).length > 0;

   * Get the image information of the specified id
   * @param object
   * @returns {Promise<{thumbnail: *, created: *, name, modified: *, type: string, isDirectory: boolean, url}>}
  async get(object) {
    const clientId = (await $storage.inputs).clientId;

    const { data } = await $axios.get(

    return this.formatObject(data);

   * Get image list
   * @param object
   * @param offset
   * @param limit
   * @returns {Promise<{thumbnail: *, created: *, name: *, modified: *, type: string, isDirectory: boolean, url: *}[]>}
  async list(object = null, offset = 0, limit = 20) {
    const page = Math.floor(offset / limit) + 1;
    const clientId = (await $storage.inputs).clientId;

    const { data } = await $axios.get(

    return data.map((image) => this.formatObject(image));

   * Search image
   * @param object
   * @param keyword
   * @param offset
   * @param limit
   * @returns {Promise<{thumbnail: *, created: *, name: *, modified: *, type: string, isDirectory: boolean, url: *}[]>}
  async search(object, keyword, offset, limit) {
    const page = Math.floor(offset / limit) + 1;
    const clientId = (await $storage.inputs).clientId;

    const { data } = await $axios.get(

    return data.results.map((image) => this.formatObject(image));

   * Format image information
   * @param image
   * @returns {{thumbnail: *, created: *, name, modified: *, type: string, isDirectory: boolean, url}}
  formatObject(image) {
    return {
      id: image.id,
      type: 'image',
      isDirectory: false,
      thumbnail: image.urls.thumb,
      created: image.created_at,
      modified: image.updated_at,
      url: image.urls.regular,

Deup.execute(new Unsplash());